Young Americans’ ignorance results in them favoring Socialism

Michael Busler
4 min readAug 3, 2020

The youth simply do not know the facts when they say they favor Socialism.

According to a Gallup poll conducted last year, nearly 50% of young adults have a positive view of Socialism. This contrasts with 34% of Generation Xers and less than 30% of baby boomers. Maybe older Americans know something that younger Americans simply do not know.

The poll also found that while 50% of young adults view Capitalism favorably, that figure is down from 66% in 2010. What happened in the last decade to sway the youth?

It appears that the combination of a stagnant economy and ignorance of basic principles are what led the youth to view Socialism more favorably and capitalism less favorably. Older and wiser Americans know more about the workings of Capitalism and its overall positive outcomes in the real world.

What are the differences in the systems?

At the most basic level is the assumption about the primary motivation of individuals. Socialism and Communism both assume that people are motivated primarily by what is good for society. Capitalism assumes individuals are motivated primarily, though not necessarily entirely, by self-interest. That difference in primary motivation allows for the differences in the systems.



Michael Busler

Dr. Busler is an economist and a public policy analyst. He is a Professor of Finance at Stockton University. His op-ed columns appear in Townhall, Newsmax.